Dear diary,
Merinda and I have been playing chess with the Mac. I asked Daddy if I could play chess with him, so he got out his big chess set. Apparently it has not been out of its box since before Merinda was born. How odd.
Anyway Mum and Dad thought I played really well. Now there is some competition between me and M to get Dad's time by playing chess. Strangely, he does not mind. Very odd.
Age must have something to do with all this. Maybe
6.45 is a magic number?
6.44 years old (Apr 07)
6.40 years old (Apr 07)
6.38 years old (Mar 07)
6.36 years old (Mar 07)
6.34 years old (Mar 07)
6.23 years old (Feb 07)
6.21 years old (Jan 07)
6.15 years old (Dec 06)
6.14 years old (Dec 06)
6.09 years old (Dec 06)
6.07 years old (Nov 06)
6.01 years old (Nov 06)
6.00 years old (Oct 06)
5.97 years old (Oct 06)
5.90 years old (Sep 06)
5.87 years old (Sep 06)
5.83 years old (Aug 06)
5.82 years old (Aug 06)
5.80 years old (Aug 06)
5.75 years old (Aug 06)
5.74 years old (Jul 06)
5.71 years old (Jul 06)
5.70 years old (Jul 06)
5.67 years old (Jun 06)
My first 5.57 Years in Santa Rosa
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