Dear diary,
we got this neat gismo from Jane and Sebastian that peels an apple in a single long
strip and simultaneously cores it and cuts the rest into
a helical, springy coil. You have to spear the apple straight,
then you just crank the handle. I've been eating a lot of apples lately.
7.15 years old (Dec 07)
7.14 years old (Dec 07)
7.09 years old (Nov 07)
7.07 years old (Nov 07)
7.02 years old (Nov 07)
7.00 years old (Oct 07)
6.96 years old (Oct 07)
6.95 years old (Oct 07)
6.93 years old (Oct 07)
6.91 years old (Oct 07)
6.85 years old (Sep 07)
6.84 years old (Aug 07)
6.80 years old (Aug 07)
6.75 years old (Jul 07)
6.70 years old (Jul 07)
6.64 years old (Jun 07)
6.61 years old (Jun 07)
6.56 years old (May 07)
6.51 years old (May 07)
6.49 years old (May 07)
6.45 years old (Apr 07)
6.44 years old (Apr 07)
6.40 years old (Apr 07)
6.38 years old (Mar 07)
6.36 years old (Mar 07)
6.34 years old (Mar 07)
6.23 years old (Feb 07)
6.21 years old (Jan 07)
6.15 years old (Dec 06)
6.14 years old (Dec 06)
6.09 years old (Dec 06)
6.07 years old (Nov 06)
6.01 years old (Nov 06)
6.00 years old (Oct 06)
5.97 years old (Oct 06)
5.90 years old (Sep 06)
5.87 years old (Sep 06)
5.83 years old (Aug 06)
5.82 years old (Aug 06)
5.80 years old (Aug 06)
5.75 years old (Aug 06)
5.74 years old (Jul 06)
5.71 years old (Jul 06)
5.70 years old (Jul 06)
5.67 years old (Jun 06)
My first 5.57 Years in Santa Rosa
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