Edwin's Diary


Dear diary,

it gets very cold some mornings. The grass is frosty and the land foggy. This is Mum walking Merinda and I to the gate to get the bus. Either Splatter or Ghost will walk down the drive with us. Splatter frolicks when it is his turn. I am 6.64, so Splatter is the youngest of us. It is good not to be on the bottom.

6.61 years old (Jun 07)
6.56 years old (May 07)
6.51 years old (May 07)
6.49 years old (May 07)
6.45 years old (Apr 07)
6.44 years old (Apr 07)
6.40 years old (Apr 07)
6.38 years old (Mar 07)
6.36 years old (Mar 07)
6.34 years old (Mar 07)
6.23 years old (Feb 07)
6.21 years old (Jan 07)
6.15 years old (Dec 06)
6.14 years old (Dec 06)
6.09 years old (Dec 06)
6.07 years old (Nov 06)
6.01 years old (Nov 06)
6.00 years old (Oct 06)
5.97 years old (Oct 06)
5.90 years old (Sep 06)
5.87 years old (Sep 06)
5.83 years old (Aug 06)
5.82 years old (Aug 06)
5.80 years old (Aug 06)
5.75 years old (Aug 06)
5.74 years old (Jul 06)
5.71 years old (Jul 06)
5.70 years old (Jul 06)
5.67 years old (Jun 06)
My first 5.57 Years in Santa Rosa

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